Come check out some of my new soda fired vases at Vale Craft Gallery tomorrow night! There is a lot of great work including my teacher from The School of the Art Institute Delores Fortuna and Lillstreet Soda Kiln Master Sam Hostert!
My husband and I set up this very "professional" photo booth on our dining room table for a couple days.. The light box is really great way to soften the light that reflects the glaze, especially on my tricky to photograph spherical shapes. Adam's New Soda-Fired MugsYou can find them at Adam August Ceramics
As I was throwing large spherical bottles and vases, I was imagining the final firing and visualizing the path of the the flame around the work in the kiln. Instead of having bottles next to bottles I wanted to create a wall that stopped and changed the path of the flame next to my piece.
I wasn't planning on keeping these "walls" but I am so excited about this new form! Not only will they change the path of the flame, I am hoping they will leave a beautiful history of the firing on the wide canvas surface I have paddled and carved down by hand.
I am excited to have been selected as one of 52 artist in the 4th Annual Art Competition! The opening reception should be a great turn out! I can't wait to see all the great artwork.
I'm also excited to see the new spaces at Chicago Ceramics Center and see the current show Midwest Clay Stories: Through the Eye of the Vessel. The soda-fired flashing swirls and echos the spherical form of the vessel. Each soda-fired piece is very unique and this piece is truly one of a kind! I hope to make more soon, but they will never turn out the same twice.
The warm and earth orange color is the clay body with some shino glaze coming through from the inside. The grey-black glaze is the result of soda being introduced to the kiln at a high temperature. Each soda fired piece is a beautiful artwork from a arduous process that can never be replicated. Available on I love being an art teacher because I get to play with new mediums all the time! My latest new medium is egg tempera and gold leaf! These works in progress #wip will be much more detailed when they are finished.. I am excited to see what the students will come up!! (The piece on the left is a students I am trying to fix. Hopefully it will turn into a happy accident!)
Come see a great show at the Lillstreet Art Center's Anex tomorrow night with many awesome soda-fired ceramic artists! Thanks for putting the show together Fred! Check out Fred Follansbee's' work at the show and at Variations in Soda Fired Work
Curated by Fred Follansbee Featuring over 30 Lillstreet Artists July 17 – August 23 Curated by Fred Follansbee, Variations in Soda Fired Work is a ceramics exhibition that explores all the variations of the soda firing method. In this exhibition, there will be a wide array of colors and textures. All of the participating artists are part of the Lillstreet Ceramics Department, either as a student, monitor, or teacher. Participating Artists Include: Michelle Anderson, Adam August, Kristin August, Karen Avery, Lisa Barense, Tom Budzinski, Chris Chaney, Judy Cohn, Joan D’Arcambal, Roberta de Oliveira, Chuck Escue, Fred Follansbee, Barbara Grunewald, Jeff Grunewald, Kyle Hendrix, Sam Hostert, Gary Jackson, Jayson Lawfer, Cherie Lockett, Brian Malnassy, Susan Messer McBride, Amy Odgers, Heather Reilly, Jette Thomassen, Rodney Thoms, Catherine Tweedie, Norah Webster, Mary Zehnder, Joe Gray, Lesley Bevan, Maureen Duffy-Daugavietis, Will Del Genio
Kristin AugustArtist, Art Teacher Archives
February 2018
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